Get on the show!
This is your episode, so you get to </rant> about whatever you want.
We love your rants and want to hear it on our show. The Adventures in DevOps podcast, is all about getting your unique brand of insight into the world. THe more controversial the idea, the better it is. This is your opportunity to share.
🏆 Current Guest Requests
We are always looking for new guests for the show. I will add the reminder, this is not an opportunity for you to advertise your product or brand, but provide real value where you want to. If you are interested in product place, please see our sponsorships.
- Anyone that has done research on the impact on their product's delivery and value to the business using AI.
- EM/Directors/Leads who are currently hiring, what they are looking for, how they decide who to interview/how they interview/hire.
- Directors/CTO/leadership with an RTO policy who can talk about what research they have done in productivity.
- Engineering leaders who are currently building ML as a service and can talk about what they actually do from start to finish, (note: Not their product)
- Someone on the show who can talk about How's Web3 going and comparisons with Web2.
Your Episode recommendations
Not really sure what you want to talk about? That's not a problem, for every episode we try to focus on one core topic area. So it's important to try to figure out what should be your episode topic. We use these questions to help inspire topics:
- Is there anything you are really passionately working on right now, or passionate about?
- Do you have something that you keep seeing people do wrong that you want to talk about?
- Is there a really hard problem your company/org/team is facing and there aren't good answers?
- Have you seen something happen with multiple companies/customers you have worked with that feels like it keeps happening?
📍 Ready to Join the Adventure?
The DevOps Adventures Podcast is your chance to connect with a thriving community, showcase your brand, and drive real impact in the world of DevOps and beyond. We'll send you an email so we can get to know each other before the show, and include our recording schedule so you can pick a date. Click the Contact Us button here: